


Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis


María Martínez Lirola (coord.), Eva Llorens, Fernando Ramos, Antonia Lledó, Cristina Amérigo, Li Hui


  • Research on active methodologies and new ways of evaluation in order to improve the teaching-learning process.
  • To promote the principles of education for peace and human rights in the classroom.
  • To study the use of language in specific contexts, i.e. to observe the relationship between language, texts and the contexts in which texts are used, so that a social perspective is included in the study of language.
  • To analyse texts with social themes and use them in teaching.
  • To study in depth the effective and real equality of women and men in different disciplines and for this purpose we investigate the relationship between gender, texts and society.

Lines of research

  1. Research into new teaching methodologies and new modes of assessment, paying special attention to the portfolio.
  2. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) and critical multimodal discourse analysis (CMDA), focusing on the analysis of immigration in the press and the images of women in multimodal texts transmitted by the media.
  3. Gender, texts and society. To study in depth the effective and real equality of women and men in different disciplines.

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